Learning from others. Cross-national perspectives
14.12.2021, 16.30–17.45 CET (in English)
Digitality, diversity and sustainability – make a reality check necessary in cultural education as well: Where does the field stand today? What impact did the Corona pandemic have? What is important for the future design of the field of practice? How must cultural education position itself in order to do justice to its own claim to enable as many people as possible to participate, both now and in the future? How can cultural education become a joint task for practice, politics and science? The web talk series deals with these and other questions. In our last web talk session we would be particularly interested to know what approaches are being taken in other European countries, what best-practice examples have been implemented that stand for successful outreach work, and what priorities are being set here.
I. Cultural Education with Schools – Perspectives from Austria
Ulrike Gießner-Bogner, Head of Sector “Cultural Education with Schools”, OeAD – Agency for Education and Internationalisation (Austria)
II. Is culture a cherry on top?
Joanna Orlik, Director of Malopolska Institute of Culture in Kraków (Poland)
Diane Fisher-Naylor, Director of CCE – Creativity, Culture and Education (UK)
Ulrike Gießner-Bogner studied theatre science, Spanish and cultural management at the universities of Erlangen-Nürnberg and Vienna. Since 2004 she is head of the department “Cultural Education with Schools” (2004-2020 at KulturKontakt Austria, since 2020 at OeAD). She was coordinator of the office “Cultural management in Europe” at KulturKontakt Austria and head of the departments “Training and Project Management” at the Austrian Cultural Service. Since 2021 she is member of the advisory board of “Double Check – Network for Culture and Education in Vorarlberg”. www.oead.at/kulturvermittlung
Joanna Orlik, PhD – a managing director, a cultural animator, in love with systematic solutions and spontaneous decisions. For the last 20 years she has been working for the regional Małopolska Institute of Culture based in Kraków. She founded and was the first editor in chief of a quarterly review “Autoportret”. In 2007 she defended the PhD thesis about Polish-Russian cultural relationships during the Khrushchev era. An author and coordinator of a 2-year development programme for the Warsaw cultural centres. A former chairman of the Kraków Forum, an NGO association of cultural animators in Poland. She still believes it’s possible to get a lot more done.
Diane Fisher-Naylor is responsible for the design, implementation and quality assurance of CCE’s programmes as director of CCE – Creativity, Culture and Education, an international foundation dedicated to transforming the learning experience of children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds across the world. Before assuming this position, she was Director of Schools for Creative Partnerships in England. Di has worked in the arts for over 20 years including working at Arts Council England as National Director of Grants for the Arts. She took on the daunting task, when the Regional Arts Boards were merged into the Arts Council of England, of streamlining the grants system, turning over 100 funding programmes across the country into just four for the national organisation. Before that, Di worked for Northern Arts (the regional arts board for Northern England) specialising in capital development projects and lottery funds.